Frequently asked questions:
Who is standing behind ?
A team of very experienced people, related to the agricultural business,
the agricultural mechanization and export, completely orientated on the
European and North-American market, specialized on purchase, sales,
and service of tractors, machines and also heavy industrial equipment.
What kind of companies are connected with ?
This are mainly agricultural-dealers, whole-salers, importers and manufacturers,
all located in Europe and North-America.
How can I find a machine ?
There are ( 2 ) possibilities to find a machine:
1) First possibility:
- Click on "Search" at the left side of the frontpage.
- Choose a main-group, and click than on the sub-group.
- You will arrive on a detailed data-field, where you can enter your search-data.
- Click now on the button "Search" below and an arranged list with several results will appear.
- When you click on one particular picture-field, a complete view with details will appear
of the item you are searching for.
2) Second possibility:
- Go to "Powersearch" at the left side of the frontpage.
- Put the "brand" or the "type" of the machine you are looking for, into the small input-field.
- Click now on "Powersearch" and an arranged list with several results will appear.
- When you click on one particular picture-field, a complete view with details will appear
of the item you are searching for.
How can I advertise my own machines ?
There are ( 2 ) possibilities to advertise:
1) Advertising for Private Persons:
- Click on Private login at the left side of the frontpage.
- Are you not registered yet, please click on Step 1 to register yourself.
- Are you already registered, than you can login with your Username and Password.
- Hereafter you will arrive by Step 2, where you can click on "Add Item" to enter your item.
- Choose a main-group, and click than on the sub-group.
- You will arrive on a detailed data-field, where you can enter finally the details of your machine.
- Hereafter you click below on "Enter Item" and you go further to Step 3 "Pay".
- Attention: Your entered item will only be visible on the site, after your payment with creditcard.
2) Advertising for Companies:
- Click on Dealer login at the left side of the frontpage.
- Are you not registered yet, please click on Step 1 to register yourself.
- Are you already registered, than you can login with your Username and Password.
- Hereafter you will arrive by Step 2, where you can click on "Add Item" to enter your item.
- Choose a main-group, and click than on the sub-group.
- You will arrive on a detailed data-field, where you can enter finally all details of your machine.
- Hereafter you click below on "Enter Item" and your item will be visible on the website.
- If you wish to enter more items, click again on "Add Item".
How can I modify my advertisements ?
- Click on Private login of Dealer login and login with your Username and Password.
- Hereafter you will arrive by Step 2 "Enter Item".
- You will see your items placed in horizontal stripes with at the far right side two click-icons.
- If you click on the left icon, of both icons, you can modify finally your items.
How can I add pictures to my advertisements ?
- On the detailed data-field in Step 2, you can add at the top, maximal eight pictures to your item.
- Each picture may be maximal 2 Mb and has to be loaded in a JPEG (JPG) format.
- If your picture is to big, you can reduce your picture-size with a photo-programm.
How can I remove my advertisements ?
- Click on Private login or Dealer login and login with your Username and Password.
- Hereafter you will arrive by Step 2 "Enter Item" .
- You will see your items placed in horizontal stripes with at the far right side two click-icons.
- If you click on the right icon, of both icons, you can remove finally your items.
How and when do I have to pay for my advertisements?
- Private persons: are demanded, immediately after they have entered their items,
to pay with their credit-card via Step 3 "Pay".
Just after entering their items, they have to pay within 24 hours by creditcard,
if not than these unpaid items will be removed automatically.
- Companies: after receiving of their registration-form and our acceptation,
they can advertise for free during the first three months, with maximal 10 items.
After these three months, they can keep advertising also with much more items,
at very democratic and interesting prices !!
- A.I.B.-members: after receiving of their registration-form and our acceptation,
they can advertise for free during the first three months, with maximal 25 items.
After these three months, they can keep advertising also with much more items,
at very democratic and interesting prices !!
How are prices from advertisements indicated on this website ?
- All mentioned prices from offered items are included VAT, Excluded VAT or Marge!
The indication Marge! means: This is a specific price including VAT, but you can’t
take out the VAT, so you have to pay the full price including the VAT !
- All mentioned prices are indicated with the percentage of VAT.
- Within Europe:
When a Dealer buys a machine from another foreign Dealer and they have both a VAT-number,
than the invoice can be made, free from VAT, so that only the net invoice-amount has to be paid !
How and where can I modify my address-details ?
Private persons:
- Click on Private login at the left side of the frontpage.
- Are you already registered, than you can login with your Username and Password.
- Hereafter you will arrive by Step 2 "Enter Item", click now below on Modify address-details !
- Click on Dealer login at the left side of the frontpage.
- Are you already registered, than you can login with your Username and Password.
- Hereafter you will arrive by Step 2 "Enter Item", click now below on Modify address-details !
How long will an advertisement be kept on this website ?
Private persons:
- Your advertisement will be kept on this website for maximal 2 months,
hereafter your advertisement will be removed automatically.
- If you want to replace the same advertisement again on this website,
you have to enter again your complete item into the detailed data-field !
- After you have finally placed or replaced your advertisement on this website,
it will be restricted changeable !
- You can’t change your current advertisement into another new advertisement !
- The time that your advertisement will be kept on this website depends on which kind
- of subscription you have choosen.
For more details about our range of subscriptions, please call us, fax us or e-mail us
so that we can offer you our best package for all your advertisements !!